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I have plans to write a number of books that would not be too academic and, who knows, might even be fun, but in the meantime I have already published some of a more academic nature on computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science and thought experiments.

Authored Books

  1. Ganascia J.-G., Idées reçues sur l’intelligence artificielle, Le cavalier bleu, 2007 (in French)
  2. Ganascia J.-G., Les sciences cognitives, Editions le pommier, 2006 (in French)
  3. Ganascia J.-G., Gédéon ou les expérience extravagante d’un expérimentateur en chambre, Editions le pommier, collection Roman & Plus, 2002 (in French, this book was translated in Korean).

  4. Ganascia J.-G., 2001, l’odyssée de l’esprit – Flammarion (Collection essais) 1999. (in French)
  5. Ganascia J.-G. - Le petit Trésor de l’informatique et des sciences de l’information - Flammarion 1998
  6. Serres M., Farouky N., Trésor des sciences - Flammarion 1997. Dictionary of science (in French, translated in German). Collective work edited by Michel Serres and Nayla Farouky. My participation was quite important, since I was in charge of all the information sciences and I wrote more than 550000 typographic signs. This is the reason why I did not included this reference in the “book chapter” category, but in the book section.
  7. Ganascia J.-G.- Les sciences cognitives.- Flammarion (Collection Dominos), 1996 (in French, this book was translated in Greek and Korean)
  8. Ganascia J.-G.- L'intelligence artificielle.- Flammarion ( Collection Dominos ), 1993 (in French, this book was translated in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese)
  9. Ganascia J.-G.- L'Ame Machine.- Editions du Seuil, Collection Science Ouverte, 1990 (in French)

Edited books, journals and conference proceedings

In addition to these books that I authored alone there are collective works of which I was general editor.

  1. Ganascia J.-G. – Communication et connaissance : supports et médiations à l’âge de l’information, CNRS-éditions, book published under the supervision of Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (2006) (in French)
  2. Ganascia J.-G. - Sécurité et cognition, HERMES 1998, proceeding of the conference « Sécurité et cognition » organized by the Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique « Sciences de la cognition » September 16 and 17, 1997. Introduction and coordination by J-G Ganascia. (in French)
  3. Ganascia J.-G. (Guest editor) Retour vers le futur. Supports anciens et modernes de la connaissance, numéro spécial de la revue Diogène n°196 octobre-décembre 2001, edited par Jean-Gabriel Ganascia [English translation under the entitled ‘Back to the future Knowledge Management Past and Present’ Blackwell publishing, Diogenes number 196, issue 4, 2002 ]
  4. Aussenac N, Boy G.., Gaines B., Ganascia J.-G., Kodratoff Y, Linster M.- proceedings of the seventh European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, EKAW-93, Toulouse 1993
  5. Boose J., Gaines B., Ganascia J.-G.- proceedings of the third European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, EKAW-89, Paris, 1989